I have a slight fever when infected with the word of Ide
And the cell is being attacked and the word will erode
A new Eve's old-fashioned word is a pure Adam's word that U can use, unfriendly
Hiding the collection
I will pursue perfección
Solutions come unexpectedly
A chance like an alarm of an alarm will be created
A well-crafted object is spiritualized, and the fruit of intelligence is also unnecessary
In other words, existence like light leaves a shadow, never drown in the color 2 produce
There is no one 2 judge your memory
There is no one 2 awaken a slight fever
Even with an illusion, U're a writer
U spell
Repetition of the good news of an alarm clock is abolished by the right of silence
Looking at the empty of a morning glory abolishes
Cosmos is also abolished
Occurring till dawn abolishes
Telling love 2 a transmissive means abolishes
A smiling face abolishes
Recording recollections abolishes
Shaking hands abolishes
Having will which is not mixed with those who accept and scorn those who look down abolishes
The right which tells useful joy abolishes
Even denial is abolished
And the life which turns 2 and walks along a top on a way having nowhere 2 go is abolished
A defendant is guilt
And declaration
The world of accepting abolishing is abolished
The society which accepts abolishing is abolished
The one who accepts abolishing is abolished
The soul which accepts abolishing is abolished
And establishment
Oneself from it
And affirm
Future oneself
Write characters in white color
Even though its color is black, it blew away from white
Withdraw the card again and again
Expect a joker in 21 's hand and push the full amount
It is a way of completely destruction
Watch the Disney-like anime world looking at
In light of the reality that will arise from now
Shout out with the United States in the mouth of a duck
Da Da Da Da Da
The machine gun of the light fingertip of Urs,
Who set gratitude and aim 2 the valley of graceful spacing contrast with my tomorrow will twine the iron bar which strikes and breaks the collarbone with which it filled up tomorrow, and become tight at stiffness
Da Da Da Da Da
The machine gun of your light fingertip of which it duets from the patch of the skull corrected while twining round the medulla oblongata pierced while pouring honey 2
The pulley which hung down the spiral
Da Da Da Da Da
Machine gun
Load in the azure sky
Like the embryo entangled in a box
Our tubes are
Our tubes are
In the transparent plastic case
There were ignorant sunbeams shining through branches of trees
Empty It is blunt
A pelvis should creak
The hill in which sun rises slowly
It went
(I went down)
(I went down)
Shout at ruffleshoulder
Do not become a bull at a store in Falaris!
What U need 4 American Burger is beef that U can enjoy playing cards without knowing the meaning of sandwiches as sand and witch.
(Meaning the head of a skusca)
Shift the shit of Ur heart, including everything, what 2 do next and how 2 know!
And advance with the feeling of Stoicstomastalker
Like walking through the streets with crushed shoes
Play Fabrication Fucker
Like an entertainer who dares 2 choose an old car and buys it
In other words, underground-gold mind is my style.
A vast deception
The love after the hate
The love trumps hate
The love I leave too late
This's a true confession
And I'm whatever U say I am and if I wasn't then why would I say I am
U're the cook
That's the way the cookis crumbles.
Some of the worst wrongs get righted on three chords
Like a promis or a Kiss goodbye
When the sneer on your lipsis the livest thing
Just alive enough 2 die
And I freeze
With U
Were U known?
The beauty is transmitted through nothing from aspirin
And I burn it
Who I
Were U known?
I am not amenable 2 the framework of synonyms in ambiguous words
While there are too many sexual manias romping about by a problem of the love
Even if U dorickery poetry of the mind 2 thrive in the faculty of liberal arts steal important words
I has wish of crampy list resound in this space.
The word of truth in the word of truth
A word of truth in words of sorrow
In words of fun it is a word of truth
The word of truth to tired words
The word of truth in the word of love
The word of hypocrisy is a word of truth
A word of truth in a word of cheating
The word of truth in sland words
A word of truth to a young word