My heart grew old

I don't want you to hurt me...
My heart grew old,
I can't take so much pain

When I was young,
I had no fear.
I loved with all my heart, all my mind and soul.
so I gain a lot but, I lost a lot too.

Oh, my heart grew so old,
it can't hear, even my sincerest voice....
it can't feel, even my own pain...
I try reaching'
where my heart is
but all I can find is my old... old heart.

Oh, my old heart,
why do you care so little?
why do you love so little?

If that's call growing up,
I will never want to grow up.
Because I don't want to miss
wonderful things that come when I risk it all...

I don't want you to hurt me...
If the day comes,
I know it is the time my heart will die.
I know my heart will die.
Oh, my heart is so old...
so I sit here
looking out the window
remember the last time we talked,
when our hands touched,
and we just sit still...
Oh, My heart is old.
So old...

自由詩 My heart grew old Copyright 月山一天 2005-10-09 11:22:11
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