Let’s play with  a scarecrow  written by Yakumo ....
生田 稔

written by  Yakumo kisaragi.translated by Kojurou Umino.

Ah,thou,my so beloved one

Let‘s stop our hide−and−seek.

Listen,a crow started her voice,

So , shall we go?

Wonder I how long thou conceal

The figure of thyself

Mumbled I midst of

A paddy field,

Alone continuing

This same pose.

(Not forget thy very solitude)

(Thy loneliness never slips thy mind)

(Let‘s find the beauty of this crimson sunnset)

Crows'voice faded away into my heart.

自由詩 Let’s play with  a scarecrow  written by Yakumo .... Copyright 生田 稔 2011-06-26 07:11:38
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