

Land subsidence!
 Crossing the other leg, I nipped cookies. Soft choko-chips. Roughly to say , they have any keen intention to sell these cookies putting such a weighty name as “CHOCO-CHIP-COOKIES”, haven’t they? Why not?
As it is,I rather not thought it was a land subsidence. “ Zuooo it sounded. Truly it was a vibrating noise, because perhaps the neighbor roomer picked up the bathtub stopper.
Tossing body over the bed, licking up food debris around lips, I saw, through the crossed legs, an electric bulb.
This room expresses myself better or worse. Graduated from a professional school. Parents ordered me to go on living all myself. Since then I unified mine room in yellow and orange color to be continued for a while. There remains the trace of my transition in fancy-going hither and thither. They are yellow curtains, a carpet also yellow but a little larger for the room, an orange-color wastes-box, and strawberry-patterned hanging-curtains. My bed is mine favorite one bought as an unbranded goods that had been in parents’ house.
Bought much today, ate the whole though. As to the cookies, I recommend soft ones.Speaking of okaki(baked rice-cake), I am for wet okaki.
But ‘Non-fellow’ never failed to say, when I alluded to it,“It’s a perverted taste! ”and frowned face. The fixed reciprocations on getting ‘He.s’; each reacts differently. I enjoy the comparison between this and that. I am conscious of the fact and it is nothing but a perverted liking. Even though, Non-fellow’sreactions have been worst.
He is a straight person. Entirely he is the one.
Not a regular employee myself, but I came to know him while working at a bookstore whose manager he was. He was nearly as old as me, but it might not the reason why he treated me like a friend though he was the manager.
We happened to be on intimate terms with each other. And often talked long over a cup of coffee loiteringly at the office after work.
Naturally long time passed and it got dark and he drove me home; the office room stank that of coffee; the carpet of it was thin and had some lint-prutruding parts; the room was very small but cozy enough to sit as if in his own den.
Me and he became a set of lovers; the night of our experience was too artless to call it one.

With a queer feeling along the throat by the choco-chip-cookies and to let the feeling be normal, I stepped toward the refrigerator which I prefer to the others.
Had no fixed job, still a single freeter was I.
Drinking icy orange juice with my surprising tongue, the liquid went down my throat like a snake creeping through the body tenderly and strangely.

散文(批評随筆小説等) 英訳・ハルダウン(1) Copyright 海野小十郎 2008-03-04 17:43:40
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